Miles, Mikes, and Cabbages

By February 8, 2010One Man

Strawberry Fields got stuck in my head (big time) yesterday.

Trains Rock!

Trains Rock!

I was on the train from

Margate sign


Stevenage Sign

-and there were fields of cabbages. Miles and miles, as far as I could see- or kilometers and kilometers, which never sounds as impressive- or hundreds of thousands of millimeters. I tried to get you photographic proof of this marvel:

They're just behind the bushes.

They're just behind the bushes.

Apparently the smell from them rotting in the fall is barfingly wretched. There’s fine line between food and garbage. For instance, you order sushi at a restaurant like this:

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

But, drop it on the floor like I saw today at a Tescos in Stevenage:

Oh gross! See the wooden chopsticks? The "caution" sign looks like it too slipped on the sushi. Oddly enough, I came back hours after this photo and the sushi was still there.

Oh gross! See the wooden chopsticks? Doesn't the "caution" sign look like it slipped on the sushi? Oddly enough, I came back hours after this photo and it was still there.


I watched the Super Bowl last night. Couldn’t give a toss about it.

Get it? Toss? Football? A? Hilarious. Seriously though, I don’t give a crap about it.

Super Bowl Stevenage

The show at the Gordon Craig Theatre was great- I was surrounded by Michaels. There were two technicians at the theatre: Mike and Mikey.

From left to right: Mike and Mike. The other goes by "Mikey" though.

From left to right: Mike and Mike. The other goes by "Mikey" though.

Along with Michael Wozniak, our opening comic.

It must have gotten a bit confusing for everyone because the comedian’s microphone stand (accidentally) wasn’t cleared from the stage during the interval. So I had to begin my performance by clearing it myself.

Sigh…I can’t work under these conditions.

See what happens when Mikey and Mike fail to strike Michael’s mic?

It’s desperately trying to snow today- no success thus far.

Just watched the movie 2012. I’ll never get that time back.

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  • Lisa says:

    So, we gathered around the fire–computer–after all and were helpless. All of us. Thank you for this. That sushi/floor photo is my favourite. Ever.