Lucky Day?

By February 11, 2010One Man

Grantham – Crawley

Grantham Sign

Interview BBC

Funny how some of the most trying days begin so early: this morning I was kicked off a BBC radio interview by the hotel staff so that they could use the hotel’s phone to book a cab. Turns out that the cab in question was being booked for me, at my Tour Manager’s request.

On the train to Crawley, I broke out a tooth. When we arrived, we rushed to the hotel to try to book a dentist- the hotel had given our rooms to someone else.

My Heroine

Oddly enough, tonight’s show is the biggest audience we’ve had yet.

Cute, but would you go see it?

Cute, but would you go see it?

I had to go to the public library to give a pre-show talk about adapting LOTR into a solo stage show. The people who came out for it were so cute, like rows of attentive kittens. I just wanted to take them all home with me. They’d never fit in my suitcase though.

Bye Crawley!

Bye Crawley!

**It’s the next day and we’re heading to Southend. The performance last night was great- big house too:)

Adorable Kittens!

Adorable Kittens!

Started the morning with another 7:30 am BBC interview (this one completely uninterrupted), and now I’m off to the dentist before I catch the train. Regardless of how bad a dentist appointment may be chances are I’ll have a better smile because of it.

God! I need a coffee…

Sun 1 - Snow 0  When the sun shines here the whole world smiles.

Sun 1 - Snow 0 When the sun shines here the whole world smiles.

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Hi there. We saw the Crawley show (Centre of the Third row, Seats C19 (Me) C18 (My Dad) and C17 (My younger brother) and the Pre-show talk at the library, we had no-idea what a struggle you’d had with the Cab and your tooth! We knew the show would be a sell-out, nobody could forget the first time you came here to perform One man Star Wars. (July 18th 2008, we really missed you!) The shows themselves were fantastic, and we really appreiciate the effort put into it. I know how it must feel, as I act in comedy videos myself. (Hobby) Hope the dentist doesn’t hurt you too much!

  • Jane Buckley says:

    We loved your show! What an amazing performance. Your stamina is unique and your talents many. All those voices, sounds, movements, etc…we could see LOTR……My friend Rosinna is a teacher and The One audience member who had Read-only and not seen the movies.She brought us along and we had a great time. My son is in the picture you took. A red jacket, at the top of the picture. Good Luck with your tour and hopefully Toby will get along to one of your performances. We are telling everyone!

  • Rosinna says:

    Hi there… Jane’s Friend.. great to see your show. My son is sitting at the back too.The boys laughed when you made the ‘gay’ reference! I won the tickets from Crawley Library competition. Posted several comments about the show on twitter and facebook! You should tweet .. I’ll get you followers

  • Jim says:

    Took my teenage son to see the Richmond show. We both enjoyed it immensely. My son says you are a Gee which is high praise indeed!!

  • Amy says:

    Hi there… Jane’s Friend.. great to see your show. My son is sitting at the back too.The boys laughed when you made the ‘gay’ reference! I won the tickets from Crawley Library competition. Posted several comments about the show on twitter and facebook! You should tweet .. I’ll get you followers